Partner with Us

We are an ambitious and fast-growing organisation, who want to work with people who are creating the future.

Stream Bio is interested with working with any organisation that has both existing and development projects and products where our probes would enhance sensitivity or overall capabilities. CPNs™ can be adapted to wide variety of situations in diagnostic, imaging and therapeutic applications.

If you feel that our CPNs can enhance your position over existing fluorophore usage, please contact the team.

We are particularly interested in talking to:

  • IVD developers needing greater sensitivity in assays
  • Bulk fluorophore users where greater sensitivity is needed
  • Developers and producers of assays, such as ELISA, Western blot, Immunochemistry, FISH, where CPNs could improve overall performance
  • Researchers using cell sorting applications
  • Microscopy users where single protein detection is required
  • Researchers exploring in vivo imaging applications where the brightness of CPNs could increase the ability to image a target

If you are interested in bespoke conjugation, please contact the team to discuss further.